Categories : Listening to Each Other Listening to God


You’ve heard me talk about the power of listening to God and to each other, but what difference does it make in your life? Today I’m thrilled to feature a reader who’s been putting these principles to work in her own life. Here’s what Liz wanted you to know:

How do you experience God’s voice in your life?

The first time I saw a homeless man as a child, I cried and felt gut-wrenching pain. I couldn’t look away. I knew I had to help vulnerable people with my life, and now I work with people who have disabilities.

In middle school, I struggled with depression. Losing my sense of self, belonging, and worth gave me a heightened sensitivity towards the outcast, the wounded and the ignored. I’m intensely drawn to them, and God floods my heart with compassion when I interact with them. He gives me a deep sense of grace and acceptance.

I love to read and write. I catch onto a message or theme, and it sticks for days or weeks. It burns in my soul until I’m more and more eager to express it.

How do you recognize which messages or themes are from God? What makes them stand out?

Messages from God to me are feelings or thoughts I can’t ignore. They also give me great joy and excitement.

I hear God most clearly when I’m vulnerable due to financial struggle, marriage trouble, failing as a mom, etc. As I remain in a place of rawness, I sense His voice stronger than ever. It’s always sweet and healing.

Lastly, I search for His voice in music. And when I hear a certain song, I know exactly what God was  doing during that time in my life.

What did you sense as you listened to Him?

I sensed a need to allow more space for my husband to make decisions and lead.

How did you respond?

I became intentional about waiting patiently for my husband to make more decisions.

What’s happening as a result?

There’s more peace in my family. My kids are looking to their Dad more, and the pressure to make quick/rushed decisions is decreasing!


You can read more of what God is revealing to Liz as she listens at  

What stands out to you about what Liz shared? How does it encourage or challenge you to listen to God in your own life?

What can we learn from how you listen and respond to God? Tell us about it here.

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